City of Staunton Downtown Flood Study

The City of Staunton experienced significant flooding and damage from two storms in August 2020. The City wanted to establish a hydraulic and hydrologic (H&H) model to evaluate the flooding characteristics of the downtown area and use the H&H model to develop prioritized flood remediation options. Wiley|Wilson is tasked with providing flood study engineering services to determine areas of inadequacy in the stormwater system and develop prioritize remediation projects.

The hydraulic model profile will generally follow Lewis Creek from around Pump Street to Greenville Ave, approximately 3,500 linear feet. The inundation zone study will be between South Lewis Street and Augusta Street and through the Wharf District, approximately 600’ wide study area. The hydraulic analysis will also include parts of the Asylum Creek reach that experience regular flooding. Wiley|Wilson will provide the following services:

  • Hydrology Analysis
  • Hydraulic Analysis
  • Correlate model with anecdotal evidence of first August flood event
  • Develop remediation scenarios to establish prioritization based on effectiveness and cost
  • Develop a report summarizing the study process, results, and mitigation prioritization.
  • Present findings summary to City Council