Water Treatment Plant
Wiley|Wilson has provided engineering design services for the City of Harrisonburg Water Treatment Plant since the late 1960s. Wiley|Wilson designed the original plant as a conventional 5 MGD high rate plant, assisted the City in expanding the plant’s capacity twice by increasing the filtration rate, and recently designed a complete rehabilitation to the existing plant and a plant expansion to increase capacity to 15 million MGD.
Design of the original water treatment facility included the following:
- Assisted the City in the required testing and obtaining state health department approval to operate filters at 6 GPM per SF
- Assisted the City in the required testing and attaining State Health Department approval to operate the filters at 8 GPM per SF
- Prepared Water Treatment Plant Study, which evaluated treatment plant expansion alternatives, filter bottom and media alternatives, and treatment process alternatives to meet the Safe Drinking Water Act
- Designed the recent upgrade and expansion to the City’s water treatment plant to increase plant capacity to 15 million gallons per day