Raw Water Pump Station

Wiley|Wilson’s team developed a new 8 MGD raw water source on the South Fork of the Shenandoah River, including design and permitting of a new intake structure, intake pump station, and 11 miles of 30-inch raw water main, including an intermediate booster pump station.

The work included new source permitting, routing and alignment alternatives analysis, easement preparation, hydraulic modeling, and final detailed design. The work also included source water alternatives analysis, routing alternatives analysis and hydraulic modeling; project scoping and phase development, preliminary cost estimates, design recommendations, design of intake structure and “wet” construction permitting, dam demolition and removal, preparation of easement plats and descriptions; coordination with VDOT for work along roadways, design of two 8 MGD pump stations, plan and profile drawings for 11 miles of 30-inch main, and bidding and construction phase support.